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„Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioral flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands.“

(from APA Dictionary of Psychology) 

Resiliency is based on both innate and socially learned factors and is now an empirically well-documented construct.


Informed by current stress theories and resiliency models, together we identify your current stressors and potentially outdated, dysfunctional thinking and action strategies. This then leads to an individual resiliency profile, which enables us to design a concrete catalog of measures tailored to you specifically.


This includes building and strengthening resiliency factors (such as emotion control, experienced self-efficacy, social support, sense/value orientation, etc.), which we will successively and sustainably incorporate and expand in your everyday life.


You will also learn to activate new (as well as old, buried) resources and to react in time and appropriately to the specific warning signals of your body to (internal as well as external) stressors.


The goal here will be to help you internalize and solidify these new skills and strategies in such a way that they are robustly triggered and deployed regardless of the next challenge or crisis.


Further information and literature can be found, for example, here:

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